“I’ve been drawing since I was about 11-12 years old, and started doing it digitally at about 18-19 (2011) when I got my first tablet. Everything is posted chronologically, with the firsts posts in a section being the most recent. Some pieces date back to even 2012, and while I wouldn’t consider them ‘good’ now, they still reflect my values as an artist.”

Commissions/Art Trades

Some of the art done for other people, sometimes paid for, sometimes just as trades or gifts.

Design Work

Some miscellaneous design work Alice has done over the years. Some are lineups for hery own characters, others are making changes to characters from other media, etc.



Mallorie is a chaacter near and dear to Alice. She started out as a random Skyrim playthrough, and ended up just taking off on her own. One day Alice started writing for her idly, and now she has 125,000+ words. Alice conquered NaNoWriMo writing part of her story. She have a separate page for her!
As you can see, Mallorie’s design’s changed a bit over the years.


Alice, from American McGee’s series of video games, and…well, Alice go way back. This character was probably one of the first things Alice drew as a 12 year old. While Alice is not a fan of McGee himself, “Alice” has been close to her heart and brain in a way she cannot explain to someone who isn’t neurodivergent. She runs a fanblog at thejabberwockk.tumblr.com


Kaye was a Code Lyoko OC Alice made for an RP group on tumblr in 2012. She was one of her first brushes with character development and writing. Alice stopped roleplaying her after about 6 months, but she recently started writing for her just for fun (and gave her an obvious redesign).

Other OCs

More original characters that haven’t been as fleshed out, but are loved none the less. Some of them are facets of Alice, manifested for interactive and immersive projects she’s participated in, others are from roleplay games.


Unsurprisingly, Alice always been deeply inspired by the media around her, she started out with fanart, and will probably die with it, haha.